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High Holy Days Schedule 2024/5785

We look forward to praying together as a Community of Friends and wishing you a “Shana Tova” in person.

Rosh Hashanah

Shabbat Shuvah

Yom Kippur


Simchat Torah

Trinity Presbyterian Church (McKinney)                                         5871 Virginia Pkwy                                McKinney, TX 75071 



Non-Member Attendance
Non-members may attend our High Holy Day Services with ticket options as follows:
- Tickets are $200 per person
- Optional donation for:
       - Children Under 18

       - College students
       -Active military
       - Senior citizens in assisted living

Please contact or call (972) 491-5917 for more information.

Attend Virtually

We hope you will be attending our services in person.  If not, you can access all services online.
Visit our streaming website: 
here ;  and click the link in High Holiday Section towards the top of the page.

For those who wish to follow our streaming, you can borrow a set of High Holy Day prayer books:
Mishkan Hanefesh – Machzor for the Days of Awe
 from us, purchase your own copy, or purchase an electronic version (kindle app) for $10.
See the CCAR website to order electronically, 
Contact the office, (972) 491-5917 to borrow a set.


Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, October 2nd - held at Trinity Presbyterian Church (McKinney)

6:30pm  Erev Rosh Hashanah  Services

Thursday, October 3rd  - held at Trinity Presbyterian Church (McKinney)

9:00 am Family Service
10:30am Rosh Hashanah Morning Service
4:00pm  Tashlich, (Harold Bacchus Community Park, Frisco, TX)

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Shabbat Shuvah Friday, October 4th

6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service

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Yom Kippur Friday, October 11th- held at Trinity Presbyterian Church (McKinney)

6:30pm  Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre)

Saturday, October 12th - held at Trinity Presbyterian Church (McKinney)

9:00am  Family Service
10:30am  Yom Kippur Morning Service

All afternoon Yom Kippur Services will be held at
 Adat Chaverim, 6000 Custer Rd. Bldg #9, Plano

1:30pm Study Session: High Holy Days Theme
2:30pm Healing Service
4:00pm  Afternoon Service
5:00pm  Yizkor Service
6:00pm  N’ilah: Concluding Service & Sounding of the Shofar
                Break Fast

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Sukkot Wednesday, October 16th

6:30pm School Family Sukkot Celebration

Saturday, October 19th
  Community celebration
                  Havdalah in the Sukkah

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Simchat Torah Wednesday, October 23rd

7:00 pm  Simchat Torah Service
                    Celebration and nosh

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Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784